1. Purpose and content of the website

These general terms of use regulate the access and use of https://www.cebiotex.com/ https://www.cebiotex.com/ hereinafter referred to as the“Website,”which aims to establish a communication channel between the website owner and the visitors and/or users of the site regarding the work, projects, and research it carries out.

The consultation of the content on the Website does not constitute any kind of contractual relationship, and its use is the sole responsibility of the user. The information included on the website or in newsletters does not constitute a service, and its use is the sole responsibility of the user.

The website owner will not be liable for any errors or omissions in the provided information, except for those obligations imposed by law, nor for the specific application or use that may be made of it.

CEBIOTEX S.L. may remove the content from the Website, as well as these terms of use, the privacy policy, and any specific legal notice that may be applicable to this Website. It also reserves the right to limit or prevent access to the Website. These rights may be exercised at any time and without prior notice.

2. Intellectual Property

All rights to the textual and graphic content of the website, including the web pages and newsletters, are reserved in favor of the owner of the website, https://www.cebiotex.com/.

Any use of the content of the website, including images, design, works, trademarks, logos, source code, and any other protectable elements, is prohibited without the express authorization of the owner, except for the possibility of sharing content when authorized by CEBIOTEX S.L.

The website owner does not grant any license or authorization to the user regarding its intellectual and industrial property rights or any other rights related to the website and the services offered on it.

Therefore, the user acknowledges that the reproduction, distribution, marketing, transformation, or any other form of exploitation, by any means, of all or part of the contents of this website constitutes an infringement of intellectual property rights, which may lead to the exercise of legal or extrajudicial actions by the website owner to protect its rights.

3. Data Protection.

CEBIOTEX SL, as the owner of the website and in compliance with current Personal Data Protection regulations, specifically Organic Law 3/2018 of December 5 on Personal Data Protection and guarantee of digital rights, and Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 27, 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (GDPR), informs you that the personal data you voluntarily provide will be included in a record of activities created under our responsibility. The purpose is to manage your requests and/or inquiries and to send you information about activities or services related to the services described on this website. The data will not be transferred to third parties or subject to international transfers. Your personal data will be kept as long as there is a relationship with Cebiotex SL, plus any legal retention periods required to demonstrate compliance with our legal or contractual obligations. After these retention periods expire, the data will be deleted or alternatively anonymized.

If we have had a previous relationship, the data we have obtained are through previous interactions with CEBIOTEX SL or in the context of your current relationship with the company, either as a member, donor, campaign participant, or as someone who has requested information about our activities.

The (*) data are mandatory for processing and fulfilling the requests. The remaining requested data, which are optional to answer, are intended to better understand you and improve the proposed services, while ensuring privacy at all times. Unless you revoke it, CEBIOTEX SL may send you information about the website, projects, and activities via email through our website. Your data may be communicated to group companies as described in the privacy policy.

You have the right to access, rectify, limit, cancel, and request the portability of your data by sending a written request (accompanied by a copy of an official identification document) to our registered address.

The data controller undertakes to observe the obligation of confidentiality for the personal data you provide, to treat them confidentially, and to safeguard them by adopting the necessary measures to prevent their alteration, loss, unauthorized access, or processing, taking into account the state of the technology at all times and complying with the provisions established in the GDPR.

Personal data will be processed for the following PURPOSES:

– Sending information about Cebiotex and/or Cebfunding via telephone or email.

– Making donations and other types of participation.

– Addressing inquiries or information requests.

– Invitations to events or activities.

– Conducting satisfaction surveys.

– Managing the relationship between the parties.

– Managing promotional activities organized in favor of the company.

Additionally, contact data will also be processed for the purpose of sending communications, including electronic means, about activities, campaigns, and initiatives similar to those in which you have previously participated.

The company complies with Article 6.1 f) of the GDPR 2016/679 of April 27, as the data processing is necessary to fulfill legitimate interests arising from the relationship with the company or to respond to requests. It also complies with Article 6.1 a) of the same article, as the sending of information about Cebiotex activities, campaigns, or initiatives similar to those in which you have participated represents a legitimate interest of our organization and is authorized by applicable regulations. Users who provide their personal data for any functionality on the website must accept the Privacy Policy.

accept the Privacy Policy. The user can object to receiving this type of communication, now or at any other time, by sending an email to info@cebiotex.com.

4. Social Media.

We inform you that we are present on social media. The processing of data related to individuals who become followers (and/or perform any linking or connecting actions through social media) of CEBIOTEX SL’s official pages on social media will be governed by this section, as well as by the Terms of Use, Privacy Policies, and other access, use, and similar regulations belonging to the corresponding social media platform, which the user of social media has already accepted.

5. Advertising.

The website may host advertising or sponsored content. Advertisers or sponsors are solely responsible for ensuring that the material submitted for inclusion on the website complies with the applicable laws. CEBIOTEX SL will not be responsible, under any circumstances, for the advertising content or sponsors included on the website.

6. Links.

CEBIOTEX SL is not responsible for the content of the links on the website, if any, in accordance with Article 17 of Law 34/2002, dated July 11 (LSSI). The User is responsible for accepting and checking the links each time they access.

Such links or mentions serve a purpose that does not imply endorsement, approval, marketing, or any relationship between the website and the individuals or entities that own the linked sites.

Third parties intending to include a link to this website on their own webpage must comply with applicable laws and must not host inappropriate, illegal, pornographic, or violent content. CEBIOTEX is not responsible for the content of third-party websites, nor does it endorse, guarantee, monitor, or recommend their content.

7. Responsibility.
The User will be liable for any damages that CEBIOTEX SL may suffer as a result of the non-compliance with any of the obligations stated in these terms of use.

The User agrees to use the website in accordance with the Law, these terms of use, good practices, and public order. Likewise, the User undertakes not to use the website, its content, or the services provided through it for illegal purposes or purposes that are contrary to these conditions, or that harm the interests or rights of third parties, or in any way may damage, disable, render inaccessible or deteriorate the website, its content, or prevent normal use of it by other users.

8. Applicable Law.

These terms of use are governed in all respects by Spanish law. For the resolution of any dispute arising from the interpretation or application of the content or services provided on the website, the parties expressly submit to the jurisdiction of the courts of the city of Barcelona, waiving any other general or special jurisdiction that may correspond to them.

Updates to this Privacy Policy:

Any changes will take effect when we publish the updated Privacy Policy on the website.