In compliance with Law 34/2002, dated July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, Directive 2009/136/EC of July 12, following the guidelines of the Spanish Data Protection Agency and the provisions of the new European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679/EC, we inform you that on the website, we use cookies to facilitate the relationship of visitors with our content and to enable us to compile statistics on visits received. These cookies may be our own or from third parties, and they are persistent in order to improve the service provided.

Most browsers accept cookies as a standard feature and, regardless of them, allow temporary or stored cookies to be enabled or disabled in the security settings.

Without your express consent (by activating cookies in your browser), CEBIOTEX S.L. will not link stored data with your personal data provided at the time of registration or purchase.

1. What are cookies?

Cookies are small files that are stored in the browser used by each visitor to our website so that the server can remember the visit of that user later when they access our content again. Cookies allow a website, among other things, to store and retrieve information about the browsing habits of a user or their device in order to offer a better service through the website. This information does not reveal the visitor’s identity, personal data, or access the content stored on their PC. However, it does allow our system to identify a specific user who has previously visited the website, viewed certain pages, etc., and it also allows us to save personal preferences and technical information such as visits made or specific pages visited.

We collect certain data from We collect certain data from cookies, which are data stored directly on the computer or mobile device you are using. We collect certain data from cookies, which are data stored directly on the computer or mobile device you are using. Cookies allow us to gather information such as the type of browser, time spent on the online services, visited pages, referring URL, language preferences, and other aggregated traffic data. We use this information for security purposes, to facilitate navigation, display information more effectively, gather statistical information, personalize your experience while using the online services, and recognize your computer to assist you in using the online services. We also collect statistical information about the usage of the online services to continuously improve their design and functionality, understand how they are used, and help us resolve issues.

Cookies also enable us to select which of our advertisements and offers may interest you and show them to you when you use the online services or send you marketing emails. We also use cookies and other technologies to track responses to online advertisements and marketing emails.

2. Who manages the cookies and what types of cookies are used on the website?

Cookies are managed by the website publisher itself (First-party cookies) and the following types are used:

Technical cookies: These allow users to navigate through a website, platform, or application and use different options or services available, such as controlling traffic and data communication, identifying sessions, accessing restricted areas, remembering items in a shopping cart, completing the purchase process, requesting registration or participation in an event, using security features during navigation, storing content for video or audio streaming, or sharing content through social media.

Personalization cookies: These allow users to access the service with predefined general characteristics based on certain criteria on the user’s device, such as language, type of browser used to access the service, regional settings, etc.

Analytics cookies: These are either processed by us or third parties and allow us to quantify the number of users and conduct statistical measurement and analysis of their usage of the offered service. This involves analyzing their navigation on our website to improve the product or service offerings.

– Third-party cookies: The website may use third-party services that, on behalf of CEBIOTEX, S.L., collect information for statistical purposes, regarding user’s website usage, and for the provision of other services related to the website’s activity and other internet services.

You can choose to accept cookies by changing your browser settings or managing your tracking preferences by clicking on “Tracking Preferences” at the bottom of our homepage.

3. Third-party cookies and their purposes:

Third-party analytical cookies: These cookies allow the cookie provider to track and analyze the behavior of website users. They are used to measure website activity and create user browsing profiles. In any case, the information processed by the third party will always be for statistical purposes, and it will not be possible to identify individual website visitors.

In particular, this website uses Google Analytics, a web analytics service provided by Google, Inc., located in the United States with headquarters at 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, California 94043. For the provision of these services, Google uses cookies that collect information, including the user’s IP address, which will be transmitted, processed, and stored by Google in accordance with the terms set forth on the website. This may include the transmission of such information to third parties for legal reasons or when those third parties process the information on behalf of Google.

If you do not want cookies to be stored on your browser or prefer to receive a notification each time a cookie requests installation, you can configure your browsing options accordingly.

Regarding third-party cookies, i.e., those that are not from our website, we cannot be held responsible for the content and accuracy of their privacy policies. Therefore, the information we provide is always in reference to the source.

4. Allowing, blocking, or deleting cookies.

You can allow, block, or delete cookies installed on your computer by configuring the options in your browser. By using this website, you expressly accept the processing of the information collected in the manner and for the purposes mentioned above. You also acknowledge that you have the option to reject the processing of such data or information by disabling the use of cookies through the appropriate settings in your browser. However, blocking cookies in your browser may prevent you from fully using all the functionality of the website.
Here are instructions for different browsers:




Internet Explorer:

5. Cookies table

If you do not want us to collect data with cookies, you can review information on how to control cookies at

Cookie NameExcluded CookiesCookies and technologies that collect
personal data
PurposeTypeTime period they remain activated
 cookie_notice_accepted  functionalfirst-partypersistent