In compliance with article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, we inform you that the owner of the website is:


Address: Tech Barcelona – Pier 07. Via Laietana, 26, mezzanine. 08003, Barcelona

Tax ID: B-65761033


Registered in the Barcelona Mercantile Registry, Volume 43076, Folio 23, Sheet 420836, 1st entry, dated March 15, 2012.

The user’s access and navigation on the website imply full knowledge and acceptance of the website’s Privacy Policy.

For informational purposes, this website is maintained and contains generally accepted standard security procedures to protect the information contained therein, as well as the information that visitors may provide. The objective is to prevent improper use, loss, or alteration of content and information.

Please note that only authorized personnel have access to the personal information that a visitor may provide through the site.

We would like to remind you that our site may contain links to other sites that may not be subject to the same privacy policies, or the technological process itself, in its evolution, may place information circulating on the network in a vulnerable position under certain circumstances.

The website may provide certain information on specific topics for explanatory purposes regarding the projects or research carried out. Therefore, it may be incomplete for the purposes of making personal decisions or decisions. The information presented is not, in any case, a service intended to be a means of disseminating the company’s activity. Therefore, no responsibility is accepted for decisions that anyone may make solely based on the information contained on our website. The website owner is not responsible for any specific, indirect, or incidental technical damage arising from browsing the network and using our site.